AGATA Publications Produced by the Biblio Module
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“The lifetime of the 6.79 MeV state in 15O as a challenge for nuclear astrophysics and gamma-ray spectroscopy: a new DSAM measurement with the AGATA Demonstrator array”. Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy (2013).
“Lifetime measurements of states of 35S, 36S, 37S, and 38S using the AGATA γ-ray tracking spectrometer”. Physical Review C 106, (2022).
“Lifetime measurements of excited states in neutron-rich 53Ti: Benchmarking effective shell-model interactions”. Physical Review C 102, 054334 (2020).
“Lifetime measurements of N≃20 phosphorus isotopes using the AGATA γ-ray tracking spectrometer”. Physical Review C 100, 06408 (2019).
“Lifetime measurements in 52,54Ti to study shell evolution toward N=32”. . Physical Review C 100, 054317 (2019).
“Light and heavy transfer products in 136Xe + 238U multinucleon transfer reactions”. Physical Review C 92, 024619 (2015).
“Lifetime measurements in neutron-rich 63,65Co isotopes using the AGATA demonstrator”. Physical Review C 88, 044326 (2013).
“Lifetime Measurements of Low-lying States in 73Ga and 70,72,74Zn Isotopes”. Acta Physica Polonica B 51, 837 (2020).
“Lifetime measurements using RDDS method in the vicinity of 78Ni”. Acta Physica Polonica B 50, 633-640 (2019).