Title | Lifetime measurements in 52,54Ti to study shell evolution toward N=32 |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year | 2019 |
Authors | Goldkuhle, A, Fransen, C, Blazhev, A, Beckers, M, Birkenbach, B, Braunroth, T, Clément, E, Dewald, A, Dudouet, J, Eberth, J, Hess, H, Jacquot, B, Jolie, J, Kim, Y-H, Lemasson, A, Lenzi, SM, Li, HJ, Litzinger, J, Michelagnoli, C, Müller-Gatermann, C, Nara Singh, BS, Perez-Vidal, RM, Ralet, D, Reiter, P, Vogt, A, Warr, N, Zell, KO, Ataç, A, Barrientos, D, Barthe-Dejean, C, Benzoni, G, Boston, AJ, Boston, HC, Bourgault, P, Burrows, I, Cacitti, J, Cederwall, B, Ciemala, M, Cullen, DM, de France, G, Domingo-Pardo, C, Foucher, J-L, Frémont, G, Gadea, A, Gangnant, P, González, V, Goupil, J, Henrich, C, Houarner, C, Jean, M, Judson, DS, Korichi, A, Korten, W, Labiche, M, Lefevre, A, Legeard, L, Legruel, F, Leoni, S, Ljungvall, J, Maj, A, Maugeais, C, Ménager, L, Ménard, N, Menegazzo, R, Mengoni, D, Million, B, Munoz, H, Napoli, DR, Navin, A, Nyberg, J, Ozille, M, Podolyák, Z, Pullia, A, Raine, B, Recchia, F, Ropert, J, Saillant, F, Salsac, MD, Sanchis, E, Schmitt, C, Simpson, J, Spitaels, C, Stezowski, O, Theisen, C, Toulemonde, M, Tripon, M, Valiente-Dobón, JJ, Voltolini, G, Zielińska, M, the AGATA Collaboration |
Journal | Physical Review C |
Volume | 100 |
Issue | 5 |
Pages | 054317 |
Month Published | 11 |
Type of Work | AGATA Physics Publication (with core authors) |
ISSN Number | 2469-9985 |
Notes | Published: 2019-11-18
URL | https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.100.054317 |
DOI | 10.1103/PhysRevC.100.054317 |
Citation Key | 365 |