AGATA Publications Produced by the Biblio Module

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Study of shape coexistence in nuclei with A≈100 using stable and radioactive ion beams. Kalaydjieva, D. Université Paris-Saclay, Paris-Saclay, France (2023).
Study of the collectivity of intruder states in 83Se and development of a new technique to measure lifetimes in the N=126 region. Pellumaj, J. University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy (2023).
Shape evolution in neutron-rich Zr, Mo and Ru isotopes around mass A=100. Ansari, S. Université Paris-Saclay, Paris, France (2019).
Shape Coexistence at the sub-shell closure 40. Clément, E. Université Caen Normandie, Caen, France (2019).
Study of Isospin Symmetry Breaking Effects in the A=23 and A=46 Multiplets. Boso, A. Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy (2017).
Study of the Pygmy Dipole Resonances Using High-Resolution Gamma Spectrometers. Krzysiek, M. Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland (2016).
Study of surface passivations on HPGe detectors. Riccetto, S. Universita' Di Perugia , Perugia, Italy (2015).
Study of shape evolution in the neutron-rich osmium isotopes with the advanced gamma-tracking array AGATA. John, P. R. Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy (2015).
Simulation analysis and measurement of the spontaneous two-photon emission from the isomeric 11/2- state in 137Ba using a standard 137Cs calibration source and the EURICA and AGATA arrays. Galtarossa, F. Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy (2013).
The Simulated Performance of AGATA Following Relativistic Coulomb Excitation at GSI. Bloor, D. University of York, York, United Kingdom (2013).
Studio teorico e sperimentale di un preamplificatore di carica integrato dotato di range-booster innovativo . Capra, S. Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy (2012).
Studio del moto rotazionale a temperatura finita nel nucleo 174W e sua dipendenza dal numero quantico K. Assanelli, D. Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy (2012).
Spatial characterisation of a 36-fold segmented AGATA detector via a novel scanning system. Goel, N. Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany (2011).
Surface characterisation and surface protection of germanium detector crystals . Engert, T. Klaus- Pete. University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom (2010).
Simulation and Real-Time Analysis of Pulse Shapes from segmented HPGe-Detectors. Schlarb, M. Christian. Universität München, Munich, Germany (2009).
The spatial resolution achievable with parametric pulse shape analysis of AGATA detectors and its application to in-beam data . Nelson, L. University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom (2008).
Systematische Untersuchungen des Übersprechverhaltens von hochsegmentierten HPGe-Detektoren . Wiens, A. Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany (2007).
Journal Article
Search for 22Na in novae supported by a novel method for measuring femtosecond nuclear lifetimes. Fougères, C., Santos, Fde Oliveir, José, J., Michelagnoli, C., Clément, E., Kim, Y. Hee, Lemasson, A., Guimarães, V., Barrientos, D., Bemmerer, D., Benzoni, G., Boston, A. J., Böttger, R., Boulay, F., Bracco, A., Čeliković, I., Cederwall, B., Ciemala, M., Delafosse, C., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dudouet, J., Eberth, J., Fülöp, Z., González, V., Gottardo, A., Goupil, J., Hess, H., Jungclaus, A., Kaşkaş, A., Korichi, A., Lenzi, S. M., Leoni, S., Li, H., Ljungvall, J., Lopez-Martens, A., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Million, B., Mrázek, J., Napoli, D. R., Navin, A., Nyberg, J., Podolyák, Z., Pullia, A., Quintana, B., Ralet, D., Redon, N., Reiter, P., Rezynkina, K., Saillant, F., Salsac, M. - D., Sánchez-Benítez, A. M., Sanchis, E., Şenyiğit, M., Siciliano, M., Smirnova, N. A., Sohler, D., Stanoiu, M., Theisen, C., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., Ujić, P., and Zielińska, M. Nature Communications 14, (2023).
Shape evolution in even-mass 98-104Zr isotopes via lifetime measurements using the γγ-coincidence technique. Pasqualato, G., Ansari, S., Heines, J. S., Modamio, V., Görgen, A., Korten, W., Ljungvall, J., Clément, E., Dudouet, J., Lemasson, A., Rodríguez, T. R., Allmond, J. M., Arici, T., Beckmann, K. S., Bruce, A. M., Doherty, D., Esmaylzadeh, A., Gamba, E. R., Gerhard, L., Gerl, J., Georgiev, G., Ivanova, D. P., Jolie, J., Kim, Y. - H., Knafla, L., Korichi, A., Koseoglou, P., Labiche, M., Lalkovski, S., Lauritsen, T., Li, H. - J., Pedersen, L. G., Pietri, S., Ralet, D., Regis, J. M., Rudigier, M., Saha, S., Sahin, E., Siem, S., Singh, P., Söderström, P. - A., Theisen, C., Tornyi, T., Vandebrouck, M., Witt, W., Zielińska, M., Barrientos, D., Bednarczyk, P., Benzoni, G., Boston, A. J., Boston, H. C., Bracco, A., Cederwall, B., Ciemała, M., de France, G., Domingo-Pardo, C., Eberth, J., Gadea, A., González, V., Gottardo, A., Harkness-Brennan, L. J., Hess, H., Judson, D. S., Jungclaus, A., Lenzi, S. M., Leoni, S., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Michelagnoli, C., Napoli, D. R., Nyberg, J., Podolyák, Z., Pullia, A., Recchia, F., Reiter, P., Rezynkina, K., Salsac, M. D., Sanchis, E., Şenyiğit, M., Siciliano, M., Simpson, J., Sohler, D., Stezowski, O., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., and Verney, D. The European Physical Journal A 59, (2023).
Simulation of the AGATA spectrometer and coupling with ancillary detectors. Labiche, M., Ljungvall, J., Crespi, F. C. L., Chen, S., Bordes, J., Goasduff, A., Bottoni, S., Gamba, E., Pérez-Vidal, R. M., and Bentley, M. A. The European Physical Journal A 59, (2023).
Spectroscopic quadrupole moments in 124Xe. Clément, E., Lemasson, A., Rejmund, M., Jacquot, B., Ralet, D., Michelagnoli, C., Barrientos, D., Bednarczyk, P., Benzoni, G., Boston, A. J., Bracco, A., Cederwall, B., Ciemala, M., Collado, J., Crespi, F., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dudouet, J., Eberth, H. J., de France, G., Gadea, A., González, V., Gottardo, A., Harkness, L., Hess, H., Jungclaus, A., Kaskas, A., Korten, W., Lenzi, S. M., Leoni, S., Ljungvall, J., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Million, B., Napoli, D. R., Nyberg, J., Podolyák, Z., Pullia, A., B. Arnés, Q., Recchia, F., Redon, N., Reiter, P., D.Salsac, M., Sanchis, E., Şenyiğit, M., Siciliano, M., Sohler, D., Stezowski, O., Theisen, C., and Dobon, J. J. Valient. Physical Review C 107, (2023).
Structure of 83As, 85As, and 87As: From semimagicity to γ softness. Rezynkina, K., Dao, D. D., Duchêne, G., Dudouet, J., Nowacki, F., Clément, E., Lemasson, A., Andreoiu, C., Astier, A., de Angelis, G., de France, G., Delafosse, C., Deloncle, I., Didierjean, F., Dombradi, Z., Ducoin, C., Gadea, A., Gottardo, A., Guinet, D., Jacquot, B., Jones, P., Konstantinopoulos, T., Kuti, I., Korichi, A., Lenzi, S. M., Li, G., Le Blanc, F., Lizarazo, C., Lozeva, R., Maquart, G., Million, B., Michelagnoli, C., Napoli, D. R., Navin, A., Pérez-Vidal, R. M., Petrache, C. M., Pietralla, N., Ralet, D., Ramdhane, M., Rejmund, M., Stezowski, O., Schmitt, C., Sohler, D., and Verney, D. Physical Review C 106, (2022).
Simulations using the pulse shape comparison scanning technique on an AGATA segmented HPGe gamma-ray detector. De Canditiis, B. and Duchêne, G. The European Physical Journal A 56, 276 (2020).
Study of isomeric states in 198,200,202,206Pb and 206Hg populated in fragmentation reactions. Lalović, N., Rudolph, D., Podolyák, Z., Sarmiento, L. G., Simpson, E. C., Alexander, T., Cortés, M. L., Gerl, J., Golubev, P., Ameil, F., Arici, T., Bauer, C., Bazzacco, D., Bentley, M. A., Boutachkov, P., Bowry, M., Fahlander, C., Gadea, A., Gellanki, J., Givechev, A., Goel, N., Górska, M., Gottardo, A., Gregor, E., Guastalla, G., Habermann, T., Hackstein, M., Jungclaus, A., Kojouharov, I., Kumar, R., Kurz, N., Lettmann, M., Lizarazo, C., Louchart, C., Merchán, E., Michelagnoli, C., Moeller, T., Moschner, K., Patel, Z., Pietralla, N., Pietri, S., Ralet, D., Reese, M., Regan, P. H., Reiter, P., Schaffner, H., Singh, P., Stahl, C., Stegmann, R., Stezowski, O., Taprogge, J., Thöle, P., Wendt, A., Wieland, O., Wilson, E., Wood, R., Wollersheim, H. - J., Birkenbach, B., Bruyneel, B., Burrows, I., Clément, E., Désesquelles, P., Domingo-Pardo, C., Eberth, J., González, V., Hess, H., Jolie, J., Judson, D. S., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Napoli, D. R., Pullia, A., Quintana, B., Rainovski, G., Salsac, M. D., Sanchis, E., Simpson, J., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., and the AGATA Collaboration. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 45, 035105 (2018).
9636Kr60 - Low-Z Boundary of the Island of Deformation at N=60. Dudouet, J., Lemasson, A., Duchêne, G., Rejmund, M., Clément, E., Michelagnoli, C., Didierjean, F., Korichi, A., Maquart, G., Stezowski, O., Lizarazo, C., Pérez-Vidal, R. M., Andreoiu, C., de Angelis, G., Astier, A., Delafosse, C., Deloncle, I., Dombradi, Z., de France, G., Gadea, A., Gottardo, A., Jacquot, B., Jones, P., Konstantinopoulos, T., Kuti, I., Le Blanc, F., Lenzi, S. M., Li, G., Lozeva, R., Million, B., Napoli, D. R., Navin, A., Petrache, C. M., Pietralla, N., Ralet, D., Ramdhane, M., Redon, N., Schmitt, C., Sohler, D., Verney, D., Barrientos, D., Birkenbach, B., Burrows, I., Charles, L., Collado, J., Cullen, D. M., Désesquelles, P., C. Pardo, D., González, V., Harkness-Brennan, L., Hess, H., Judson, D. S., Karolak, M., Korten, W., Labiche, M., Ljungvall, J., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Pullia, A., Recchia, F., Reiter, P., Salsac, M. D., Sanchis, E., Theisen, C., Valiente-Dobon, J. J., and Zielińska, M. Physical Review Letters 118, (2017).
Superdeformed and Triaxial States in 42Ca. Hadyńska-Klęk, K., Napiorkowski, P. J., Zielińska, M., Srebrny, J., Maj, A., Azaiez, F., Dobón, J. J. Valient, Kicińska-Habior, M., Nowacki, F., Naïdja, H., Bounthong, B., Rodríguez, T. R., de Angelis, G., Abraham, T., G. Kumar, A., Bazzacco, D., Bellato, M., Bortolato, D., Bednarczyk, P., Benzoni, G., Berti, L., Birkenbach, B., Bruyneel, B., Brambilla, S., Camera, F., Chavas, J., Cederwall, B., Charles, L., Ciemała, M., Cocconi, P., Coleman-Smith, P., Colombo, A., Corsi, A., Crespi, F. C. L., Cullen, D. M., Czermak, A., Désesquelles, P., Doherty, D. T., Dulny, B., Eberth, J., Farnea, E., Fornal, B., Franchoo, S., Gadea, A., Giaz, A., Gottardo, A., Grave, X., Grębosz, J., Görgen, A., Gulmini, M., Habermann, T., Hess, H., Isocrate, R., Iwanicki, J., Jaworski, G., Judson, D. S., Jungclaus, A., Karkour, N., Kmiecik, M., Karpiński, D., Kisieliński, M., Kondratyev, N., Korichi, A., Komorowska, M., Kowalczyk, M., Korten, W., Krzysiek, M., Lehaut, G., Leoni, S., Ljungvall, J., Lopez-Martens, A., Lunardi, S., Maron, G., Mazurek, K., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Merchan, E., Mȩczyński, W., Michelagnoli, C., Mierzejewski, J., Million, B., Myalski, S., Napoli, D. R., Nicolini, R., Niikura, M., Obertelli, A., Özmen, S. F., Palacz, M., Próchniak, L., Pullia, A., Quintana, B., Rampazzo, G., Recchia, F., Redon, N., Reiter, P., Rosso, D., Rusek, K., Sahin, E., Salsac, M. - D., Söderström, P. - A., Stefan, I., Stezowski, O., Styczeń, J., Theisen, C., Toniolo, N., Ur, C. A., Vandone, V., Wadsworth, R., Wasilewska, B., Wiens, A., Wood, J. L., Wrzosek-Lipska, K., and Zieblinski, M. Physical Review Letters 117, 062501 (2016).
Spectroscopy of the neutron-rich actinide nucleus 240U following multinucleon-transfer reactions. Birkenbach, B., Vogt, A., Geibel, K., Recchia, F., Reiter, P., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., Bazzacco, D., Bowry, M., Bracco, A., Bruyneel, B., Corradi, L., Crespi, F. C. L., de Angelis, G., Désesquelles, P., Eberth, J., Farnea, E., Fioretto, E., Gadea, A., Gengelbach, A., Giaz, A., Görgen, A., Gottardo, A., Grębosz, J., Hess, H., John, P. R., Jolie, J., Judson, D. S., Jungclaus, A., Korten, W., Lenzi, S., Leoni, S., Lunardi, S., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Michelagnoli, C., Mijatović, T., Montagnoli, G., Montanari, D., Napoli, D., Pellegri, L., Pollarolo, G., Pullia, A., Quintana, B., Radeck, F., Rosso, D., Sahin, E., Salsac, M. D., Scarlassara, F., Söderström, P. - A., Stefanini, A. M., Steinbach, T., Stezowski, O., Szilner, S., Szpak, B., Theisen, C., Ur, C., Vandone, V., and Wiens, A. Physical Review C 92, 044319 (2015).
Shell evolution beyond N=40: 69,71,73Cu. Sahin, E., Doncel, M., Sieja, K., de Angelis, G., Gadea, A., Quintana, B., Görgen, A., Modamio, V., Mengoni, D., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., John, P. R., Albers, M., Bazzacco, D., Benzoni, G., Birkenbach, B., Cederwall, B., Clément, E., Curien, D., Corradi, L., Désesquelles, P., Dewald, A., Didierjean, F., Duchêne, G., Eberth, J., Erduran, M. N., Farnea, E., Fioretto, E., de France, G., Fransen, C., Gernhäuser, R., Gottardo, A., Hackstein, M., Hagen, T., Hernández-Prieto, A., Hess, H., Huyuk, T., Jungclaus, A., Klupp, S., Korten, W., Kusoglu, A., Lenzi, S. M., Ljungvall, J., Louchart, C., Lunardi, S., Menegazzo, R., Michelagnoli, C., Mijatović, T., Million, B., Molini, P., Montagnoli, G., Montanari, D., Möller, O., Napoli, D. R., Obertelli, A., Orlandi, R., Pollarolo, G., Pullia, A., Recchia, F., Reiter, P., Rosso, D., Rother, W., Salsac, M. - D., Scarlassara, F., Schlarb, M., Siem, S., Singh, P. P., Söderström, P. - A., Stefanini, A. M., Stezowski, O., Sulignano, B., Szilner, S., Theisen, C., Ur, C. A., and Yalcinkaya, M. Physical Review C 91, 034302 (2015).
Shape evolution in the neutron-rich osmium isotopes: Prompt γ-ray spectroscopy of 196Os. Philipp, R. J., Modamio, V., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., Mengoni, D., Lunardi, S., Rodríguez, T. R., Bazzacco, D., Gadea, A., Wheldon, C., Alexander, T., de Angelis, G., Ashwood, N., Barr, M., Benzoni, G., Birkenbach, B., Bizzeti, P. G., Bizzeti-Sona, A. M., Bottoni, S., Bowry, M., Bracco, A., Browne, F., Bunce, M., Camera, F., Cederwall, B., Corradi, L., Crespi, F. C. L., Désesquelles, P., Eberth, J., Farnea, E., Fioretto, E., Görgen, A., Gottardo, A., Grębosz, J., Grente, L., Hess, H., Jungclaus, A., Kokalova, T., Korichi, A., Korten, W., Kusoglu, A., Lenzi, S., Leoni, S., Ljungvall, J., Maron, G., Mȩczyński, W., Melon, B., Menegazzo, R., Michelagnoli, C., Mijatović, T., Million, B., Molini, P., Montagnoli, G., Montanari, D., Napoli, D. R., Nolan, P., Oziol, C., Podolyák, Z., Pollarolo, G., Pullia, A., Quintana, B., Recchia, F., Reiter, P., Roberts, O. J., Rosso, D., Sahin, E., Salsac, M. - D., Scarlassara, F., Sferrazza, M., Simpson, J., Söderström, P. - A., Stefanini, A. M., Stezowski, O., Szilner, S., Theisen, C., Ur, C. A., and Walshe, J. Physical Review C 90, 021301(R) (2014).
Sub-nanosecond clock synchronization and trigger management in the nuclear physics experiment AGATA. Bellato, M., Bortolato, D., Chavas, J., Isocrate, R., Rampazzo, G., Triossi, A., Bazzacco, D., Mengoni, D., and Recchia, F. Journal of Instrumentation 8, P07003 (2013).
A study of fast neutron interactions in high-purity germanium detectors. Ljungvall, J. and Nyberg, J. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 546, 553 (2005).
Conference Proceedings
The 46Ar(3He, d)47K direct reaction as a probe of the 46Ar proton wavefunction. Brugnara, D., Gottardo, A., Assié, M., Mengoni, D., Lemasson, A., Clément, E., Flavigny, F., Ramos, D., Galtarossa, F., Matta, A., Girard-Alcindor, V., Babo, M., Bazzacco, D., Beaumel, D., Blumenfeld, Y., Bottoni, S., Datta, U., de Angelis, G., de France, G., Dudouet, J., Duenas, J., Goasduff, A., Gregor, E. T., Hammache, F., Illana, A., Lalanne, L., Leblond, S., Lombardo, I., Marchini, N., Million, B., Recchia, F., Rezynkina, K., Rocchini, M., Rojo, J. S., Siciliano, M., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., Zanon, I., and Zielinska, M. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2586, 012073 (2023).
Structure of neutron-rich Br and Nb nuclei populated in fission experiments. Colombi, G., Reygadas, D., Zanol, M., Michelagnoli, C., Dudouet, J., Dao, D. D., Fornal, B., Iskra, Ł. W., Leoni, S., Ljugvall, J., Marginean, N., Mihai, C., Nowacki, F., and Turturica, A. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2586, 012072 (2023).
Spectroscopy of Neutron-rich Nitrogen Isotopes with AGATA+PARIS+VAMOS. Ziliani, S., Ciemała, M., Crespi, F. C. L., Leoni, S., Fornal, B., Maj, A., Bednarczyk, P., Benzoni, G., Bracco, A., Boiano, C., Bottoni, S., Brambilla, S., Bast, M., Beckers, M., Braunroth, T., Camera, F., Cieplicka-Oryńczak, N., Clément, E., Coelli, S., Dorvaux, O., Ertürk, S., de France, G., Fransen, C., Goldkuhle, A., Grębosz, J., Harakeh, M. N., Iskra, Ł. W., Jacquot, B., Karpov, A., Kicińska-Habior, M., Kim, Y., Kmiecik, M., Lemasson, A., Lenzi, S. M., Lewitowicz, M., Li, H., Matea, I., Mazurek, K., Michelagnoli, C., Matejska-Minda, M., Million, B., Müller-Gatermann, C., Nanal, V., Napiorkowski, P., Napoli, D. R., Palit, R., Rejmund, M., Schmitt, C., Stanoiu, M., Stefan, I., Vardaci, E., Wasilewska, B., Wieland, O., Zieblinski, M., and Zielińska, M. Acta Physica Polonica B 51, 709 (2020).
Short-range Lifetime Measurements for Deep-inelastic Reaction Products: the 19O Test Case. Ciemała, M., Ziliani, S., Crespi, F., Leoni, S., Fornal, B., Maj, A., Bednarczyk, P., Benzoni, G., Bracco, A., Boiano, C., Bottoni, S., Brambilla, S., Bast, M., Beckers, M., Braunroth, T., Camera, F., Cieplicka-Oryńczak, N., Clément, E., Dorvaux, O., Ertürk, S., de France, G., Fransen, C., Goldkuhle, A., Grębosz, J., Harakeh, M. N., Iskra, Ł. W., Jacquot, B., Karpov, A., Kicińska-Habior, M., Kim, Y., Kmiecik, M., Lemasson, A., Lenzi, S. M., Lewitowicz, M., Li, H., Matea, I., Mazurek, K., Michelagnoli, C., Matejska-Minda, M., Million, B., Müller-Gatermann, C., Nanal, V., Napiorkowski, P., Napoli, D. R., Palit, R., Rejmund, M., Schmitt, C., Stanoiu, M., Stefan, I., Vardaci, E., Wasilewska, B., Wieland, O., Zielińska, M., and Zieblinski, M. Acta Physica Polonica B 51, 699 (2020).
Spectroscopy of neutron-rich C, O, N and F isotopes with the AGATA + PARIS + VAMOS setup at GANIL. Ziliani, S., Ciemala, M., Crespi, F., Leoni, S., Fornal, B., Maj, A., Bednarczyk, P., Benzoni, G., Bracco, A., Boiano, C., Bottoni, S., Brambilla, S., Bast, M., Beckers, M., Braunroth, T., Camera, F., Cieplicka-Oryńczak, N., Clément, E., Dorvaux, O., Ertürk, S., de France, G., Goldkuhle, A., Grębosz, J., Harakeh, M. N., Iskra, L. W., Jacquot, B., Kicińska-Habior, M., Kim, Y., Kmiecik, M., Lemasson, A., Li, H., Matea, I., Mazurek, K., Michelagnoli, C., Million, B., Mueller-Gatermann, C., Napiorkowski, P., Nanal, V., Matejska-Minda, M., Rejmund, M., Schmitt, C., Stanoiu, M., Stefan, I., Wasilewska, B., and Zieblinski, M. Acta Physica Polonica B 50, 625-631 (2019).
Study of quadrupole correlations in N=Z=50 region via lifetime measurements. Siciliano, M., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., Goasduff, A., Bazzacco, D., Alahari, N., Benzoni, G., Braunroth, T., Cieplicka, N., Crespi, F. C. L., Clément, E., de France, G., Doncel, M., Ertürk, S., Fransen, C., Gadea, A., Georgiev, G., Goldkuhle, A., Jakobsson, U., Jaworski, G., John, P. R., Kuti, I., Lemasson, A., Lopez-Martens, A., Li, H., Lunardi, S., Marchi, T., Mengoni, D., Michelagnoli, C., Mijatović, T., Mueller-Gatermann, C., Napoli, D. R., Nyberg, J., Palacz, M., Pérez-Vidal, R. M., Rejmund, M., Sayği, B., Sohler, D., Szilner, S., and Testov, D. Acta Physica Polonica B 48, 331-336 (2017).
Shape evolution in the neutron-rich osmium isotopes: prompt gamma-ray spectroscopy of 196Os. Philipp, R. J., Modamio, V., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., Mengoni, D., Lunardi, S., Rodríguez, T. R., and the AGATA Collaboration. Acta Physica Polonica B 46, 613-617 (2015).
Search for E1 strength in 62,64Fe around the threshold. Wieland, O., Bracco, A., Camera, F., and Avigo, R. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 580, 012058 (2015).
Study of the Order-to-Chaos transition in 174W with the AGATA-Demonstrator. Vandone, V., Leoni, S., Assanelli, D., Bottoni, S., Bracco, A., Camera, F., Crespi, F. C. L., Giaz, A., Nicolini, R., Pellegri, L., Benzoni, G., Blasi, N., Boiano, C., Brambilla, S., Million, B., Wieland, O., Corsi, A., Bortolato, D., Calore, E., Gottardo, A., Napoli, D. R., Sahin, E., Dobon, J. J. Valiente, Bazzacco, D., Bellato, M., Farnea, E., Lunardi, S., Mengoni, D., Michelagnoli, C., Montanari, D., Recchia, F., Ur, C. A., Gadea, A., Hüyük, T., Cieplicka, N., Maj, A., Kmiecik, M., Atac, A., Akkoyun, S., Kaskas, A., Nyberg, J., and Söderström, P. A. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 366, 012045 (2012).
Spatial calibration via imaging techniques of a novel scanning system for the pulse shape characterisation of position sensitive HPGe detectors. Goel, N., Domingo-Pardo, C., Engert, T., Gerl, J., Kojouharov, I., and Schaffner, H. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 652, 591 (2011).
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