Shape evolution in even-mass 98-104Zr isotopes via lifetime measurements using the γγ-coincidence technique

TitleShape evolution in even-mass 98-104Zr isotopes via lifetime measurements using the γγ-coincidence technique
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsPasqualato, G, Ansari, S, Heines, JS, Modamio, V, Görgen, A, Korten, W, Ljungvall, J, Clément, E, Dudouet, J, Lemasson, A, Rodríguez, TR, Allmond, JM, Arici, T, Beckmann, KS, Bruce, AM, Doherty, D, Esmaylzadeh, A, Gamba, ER, Gerhard, L, Gerl, J, Georgiev, G, Ivanova, DP, Jolie, J, Kim, Y-H, Knafla, L, Korichi, A, Koseoglou, P, Labiche, M, Lalkovski, S, Lauritsen, T, Li, H-J, Pedersen, LG, Pietri, S, Ralet, D, Regis, JM, Rudigier, M, Saha, S, Sahin, E, Siem, S, Singh, P, Söderström, P-A, Theisen, C, Tornyi, T, Vandebrouck, M, Witt, W, Zielińska, M, Barrientos, D, Bednarczyk, P, Benzoni, G, Boston, AJ, Boston, HC, Bracco, A, Cederwall, B, Ciemała, M, de France, G, Domingo-Pardo, C, Eberth, J, Gadea, A, González, V, Gottardo, A, Harkness-Brennan, LJ, Hess, H, Judson, DS, Jungclaus, A, Lenzi, SM, Leoni, S, Menegazzo, R, Mengoni, D, Michelagnoli, C, Napoli, DR, Nyberg, J, Podolyák, Z, Pullia, A, Recchia, F, Reiter, P, Rezynkina, K, Salsac, MD, Sanchis, E, Şenyiğit, M, Siciliano, M, Simpson, J, Sohler, D, Stezowski, O, Valiente-Dobón, JJ, Verney, D
JournalThe European Physical Journal A
Month Published11
Type of WorkAGATA Physics Publication (with core authors)

Received: 16 May 2023
Accepted: 21 October 2023

Citation Key882
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