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“High-spin properties of neutron-rich nuclei near the N=82 and Z=50 shell closures”. Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany (2017).
“HPGe segmented detectors in γ-ray spectroscopy experiments with exotic beams”. Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy (2008).
“High-resolution spectroscopy of neutron-rich Br isotopes and signatures for a prolate-to-oblate shape transition at N = 56”. Physical Review C 110, (2024).
“High-Precision Spectroscopy of 20O Benchmarking Ab Initio Calculations in Light Nuclei”. Physical Review Letters 131, 262501 (2023).
“High-spin states above the isomers in neutron-rich iodine nuclei near N=82”. Physical Review C 102, 044329 (2020).
“High-spin structure in the transitional nucleus 131Xe: Competitive neutron and proton alignment in the vicinity of the N=82 shell closure”. Physical Review C 98, 014309 (2018).
“High-spin structures in 132Xe and 133Xe and evidence for isomers along the N=79 isotones”. Physical Review C 96, 024321 (2017).
“HPGe detectors timing using pulse shape analysis techniques”. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 620, 299 (2010).