AGATA Publications Produced by the Biblio Module

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Journal Article
AGATA DAQ-box: a unified data acquisition system for different experimental conditions. Korichi, A., Clément, E., Dosme, N., Legay, E., Stezowski, O., Goasduff, A., Aubert, Y., Dudouet, J., Elloumi, S., Gauron, P., Grave, X., Gulmini, M., Jacob, J., Lafage, V., Le Jeannic, P., Lalaire, G., Ljungvall, J., Maugeais, C., Michelagnoli, C., Molini, R., Philippon, G., Pietri, S., Ralet, D., Roetta, M., Saillant, F., Taurigna-Quere, M., and Toniolo, N. The European Physical Journal A 59, (2023).
AGATA phase 2 advancements in front-end electronics. Collado, J., Capra, S., Pullia, A., Karkour, N., Houarner, C., González, V., Wittwer, G., Boujrad, A., Kogimtzis, M., Lawson, J., Goasduff, A., Stezowski, O., Bonnin, C., Charles, L., Alaphilippe, V., Dosme, N., Esnault, C., Gibelin, L., Lafay, X., Legay, E., Linget, D., Cahoreau, M., Sidler, D., Vinther-Jørgensen, G., Civera, J. V., Duchêne, G., Clément, E., Lazarus, I., and Gadea, A. The European Physical Journal A 59, (2023).
Advancements in software developments. Stezowski, O., Dudouet, J., Goasduff, A., Korichi, A., Aubert, Y., Balogh, M., Baulieu, G., Bazzacco, D., Brambilla, S., Brugnara, D., Dosme, N., Elloumi, S., Gauron, P., Grave, X., Jacob, J., Lafage, V., Lemasson, A., Legay, E., Le Jeannic, P., Ljungvall, J., Matta, A., Molina, R., Philippon, G., Sedlák, M., Taurigna-Quere, M., and Toniolo, N. The European Physical Journal A 59, (2023).